Archive for January, 2006

A Toughtful Discussion on Warrantless Searches

January 11th, 2006 by

Chapomatic is a really smart guy (but then most all sumariners I have met are), who does his homework. He has great posts and this one, besides being good reading, has spawned a “spirited,” yet mostly polite discussion between a libertarian, some conservative civilians and a few ex- and current military guys, who have their opinions on the topic of the NSA leaks.

I submit we have bowed to many warrantless searches, like at getting on commercial airplanes, giving our SSN for credit checks and going to major sports venues and US Customs, and no one gets too excited about that. One response to my commentary on the thread said words the the effect that there is no Constitutional right to ride a plane. Someon responded that there is also no Constitutional right to make telephone calls! Touche!

I submit the rage is merely Bush Derangement Syndrome, because there doesn’t seem to be retroactive rage for the decades, and, actually centuries of this behavior by government….I’d be much more sympathetic to “the cause” if I saw anger at the concept, not at one man’s actions.

Anyhow, it’s a thread of discussion that should hang on and “have legs” I suspect….

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Lex wants a Mazda, I’ll Take One of These

January 11th, 2006 by

Capt Lex says he wants a Mazda Kabura, but I really think he let out that his eyesight is slipping from the one eagle eyed 20/15 measure he is used to….that’s way too sad for any pilot.

But, in the spirit of tech lustâ„¢, I’d like one of these:
A really, really BIG Screen.

Now, on the other hand….

these would be nice (and would keep from disturbing others in the room), but…alas, as with many things develped for the DoD, it’s really kinda pricy..(I think about $26K) and it looks very nerdish.

These are more compatible with the middle income pocket book, in the $899 retail range…

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Last Days

January 9th, 2006 by

I see the “wakeup” clearly up ahead.

Here is a quote from “Last Days at the FOB”:

“Do not mistake my words. I am not broken, nor am I damaged. The story of our mission is not a tragedy, despite our losses. The deepest etchings on my soul, the ones that will remain in both this life and the next, were the incandescent examples of valor, courage, and brotherhood I witnessed each and every day. The men who served at my side were bound to me, and I to them, with tidal forces that have no equivalent in the sterile formality of the living world. Back home the concept of “self” is a rigid construct, a domain mapped with the rigid formality of a land agreement. But here on the bleeding edge we became more something greater than our individual parts. We became a family.”

Profound to the very core…

Lt Currie, CPT Bout, and Major K are almost out of the combat zone, but, as Danjel says above, it’s about those he fought beside, that have changed him. An echo of the veterans of combat in so many wars once more.

Here’s a link to an interview with CPT Danjel Bout on the Milblogging site. It’s a very interesting read, and a chance to find out what one man’s stress relief has managed to accomplish. (HT: Mudville Gazette.

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Some Other Video Creations…

January 6th, 2006 by

A little something from the “Duece Four” troops…All the good stuff in the movie: Explosions, cool military equipment, hard rock, and lots and lots of good guys (Stryker guys).

A music video by a blogger: American Citzen Soldier“This We’ll Defend.” One of our soldiers with some pretty amazing talents! Just another reason to support Operation Heartstrings!

Video by Americanloveunit – “The Pride of America” – Our troops at “work” and some of the results…

Bombs at work…stuff yields to the laws of physics….

Thanks to Mudville Gazette for the Open Post!

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Santa Doing Aerial Gunnery Practice

January 6th, 2006 by

Looks like the Marines are helping out making the world a safer place…

HT: Open Fire

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An Open Invitation to Jack Murtha from Charlie Daniels

January 6th, 2006 by

Charlie Daniels was being interviwed on the Tony Snow talk show. Charlie commented that he had no idea which generals were telling Jack Murtha that we couldn’t win the war, because he hadn’t heard that from a single one. During his tour of SW Asia, he said, while you might find a very occasional service member who didn’t think we were winning, but every one else was confident that we were winning every where but in the media and great things were happening.

Charlie issued an open invitation to Jack Murtha and Ted Kennedy to accompany him on his next tour, which is being planned for April, so they could get the answers from the troops who were doing the fighting. Sounds to me like someone has a solution to a problem here….

So, any bets that Jack Murtha’s schedule is already full? It would be nice if he took this trip, so he could really make sound decisions while carrying out his Constitutionally mandated duties in Congress.

Tony asked Charlie about Operation Heartstrings, too. Charlie has set up a plan to get instruments and equipment to the troops, so they have something for their time off the line to relax with. He mentioned many companies have made generous contributions already, mentioning that Gibson has already sent 100 guitars. Charlie is working with the National Guard to get the donated items transported.

Thanks to Mudville Gazette for the Open Post!

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I’m Just Curious…

January 4th, 2006 by

I picked up this morning’s paper and rejoiced at the saved lives, only to find out that it was but one life, the raido in the car told me.

I’m curious: Will the reporters of the print and electronic media possibly begin to figure out they have some responsibility to their fellow humans?

This past 14 months (or there abouts) have been one unfounded story after another. Start with Dan Rather’s faked memo on the President’s National Guard Service and, discounting the horrific pain caused today by people more concerned with ratings, marketshare and readership than the doing something professional, let alone morally correct, consider the completely false reporting that came out of New Orleans regarding maruading bands of criminals taking over the streets and dead bodies piled up.

I once heard someone define courage as being able to hang on 10 seconds longer than everyone else. Maybe it would be good for reporters to hang on those few extra minutes before releasing such significant (but in actuality, in the name of making sure all reporting it correct) stories, lest they send waves of emotional reactions that have damagin effects. Look at the result of false stories of the flushing of Koran’s by US troops. That story resulted in riots and actual deaths. I heard that there has already been one incident of a mine company official being jumped by one of the family members. It’s more than preventing emotional issues here, it’s about not tempting people in highly charged emotional states to make decisions they will regret for the rest of their lives, let alone the physical consequences someone else in their path may have to live with as a result.

It’s all about choices, and I vote for everyone to be responsible in their personal choices.

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A Poem of Tribute to the Fallen

January 1st, 2006 by

They fought so that others may live
That destitute nations be free.

They sacrificed the very things
That stand for democracy.

They lost their lives heroically
That war and suffering would cease.

God bless them all and may their souls
Forever rest in peace.

Found in Stalag Luft IV during WWII

I found this on the home page of Museum of the Soldier.

It fits the men and women of today just as well as it did 60+ years ago.

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